How Would You Describe Your Secular Knowledge Integration Strategy?
a) I discard or ignore most secular knowledge
b) I accept most secular knowledge and only discard that which blatantly contradicts Torah
c) I carefully sift secular knowledge to see if it is truly consistent with Torah
d) Other
This is not a parody. It's from a group blog for baalei teshuva -- people who have become Orthodox Jews as opposed to having been born into it.
That's only if you accept the premise that by definition secular knowledge is superior.
The crux of the matter: epistemology.
LOL, I thought you were going to argue that these people aren't typical OJ. It didn't occur to me that you'd defend them.
That's only if you accept the premise that by definition secular knowledge is superior.
No, that's not true. They're dismissing it out of hand (a) or dismissing it if it contradicts the Torah (b or c.) They're not talking about carefully evaluating it.
Your argument is a straw man.
Their epistemology boils down to "Does some acceptable Rabbi interpret the Torah to say this?"
The comments on the BeyondBT blog aren't off the wall (at least up to this point). I think it's a legitimate question for those people, because BT's are people who have some secular knowledge and have to reconcile it with Torah knowledge.
If the questions were asked of a strictly Haredi or Hasidic crowd, the answers would probably be very different.
It seems Jewish Fundamentalists are even more sick lot than Christian Fundamentalists. Which are bad enough.
Contemporary scientists most of them declare themselves religious demonstrate this dishonesty as the members of their guild.They are also left liberals,gay supporters, climate worming passionate believers.Monopolization of science support by state is the most seriouse thread to humanity than "climate worming".
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