Monday, February 09, 2009

Defending Marriage By Destroying Marriages

That's the logic of Ken Starr (previously obsessed with Bill Clinton's penis) who has filed a brief on behalf of the Yes on Prop 8 crowd to retroactively annul the 18,000 couples married in California last year before Prop 8 was passed.

Republican "family values" at work.

This is the response from the Courage Campaign:


CyberKitten said...

I thought that retro-active law was.... well, unlawful?

jewish philosopher said...

It's not marriage, it's an abomination.

Anonymous said...

If the marriages are not annulled it is going to create quite a mess in the courts in 80 years time when they try to figure out who gets the inheritance.

Anonymous said...

Shock and surprise, you didn't even read the briefing to know what it says.

Shady Lady said...

I find it tragic that there are so many narrow minded people in the world. The laws will change. It's just a matter of time. You can't put rules and regulations on love.

Why should it matter to anyone else what two people do to express their love? NO ONE is getting hurt by same sex marriage. Destroying these marriages is wrong. Why can't they just let them be?

jewish philosopher said...
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jewish philosopher said...

Shady, I want you to go to Africa and look into the eyes of millions of orphans whose parents have died of AIDS and tell them how it's fine with you that their lives are destroyed - all that's important is that American men should be free to have sex however they want to.

Shady Lady said...

JP if that's your argument (and this is assuming that men having sex causes aids), are you okay with women marrying?

jewish philosopher said...

I think for gentiles that's OK.

Shady Lady said...


You must be very happy.

jewish philosopher said...

I'll be even happier when homosexuality is a death penalty.

Shady Lady said...

There was a time that being Jewish was a death penalty. Do you really want to go there?

jewish philosopher said...

Do want to go to Africa and talk to those millions of orphans, victims of gay liberation?

Shady Lady said...

We're just going to keep going in a big circle, aren't we...

Holy Hyrax said...

>You can't put rules and regulations on love.

Just for technicality sake, nobody is putting regulations on anyone loving anyone

Jewish Atheist said...


Just for technicality sake, nobody is putting regulations on anyone loving anyone

LOL. You had to look pretty hard to find something to argue for "your side" on this one.

The Candy Man said...

Great post, JA. I've been meaning to check out the CC video, thanks for posting it.

You da man.

CyberKitten said...

I'm really struggling to understand what the problem with Gay marriage is.....

jewish philosopher said...

For family values, how about I take my family to watch the public execution of homosexuals?

Holy Hyrax said...

>LOL. You had to look pretty hard to find something to argue for "your side" on this one.

As you know, we have been around this in the past. No need to bring up everything again. I was just correcting something that needs to be corrected.

Fettered Wolf said...

JP, the orphaned kids in Africa dying of AIDS aren't dying because of gay men. They are dying because some African men think that having sex with a virgin WOMAN will cure them of AIDS, and the more virginer the better, so they're having sex with those poor orphans you keep talking about. Oh, and also because of their government not believing that there is a connection between sex and HIV and AIDS. Oh, and because America doesn't give away the retrovirus inhibitor drugs for free.

Shady Lady said...

Thank you Fettered Wolf! I knew there was a truthful answer out there somewhere. I appreciate you sharing it.I'm curious to see the responses to this one. ;)

And JP, I have to say, public execution, really? Do you say things just to get a reaction?

Shabbat Shalom!
:) Shady Lady

Anonymous said...

JP's belief show that homophonbic bigotry is not just confined to Chritian fundamentalists. But then I have to wonder if this hatred isn't really just insecurity about these bigots'own masculinity--or maybe a deep seated urge homosexual urge that the they are desperately trying to deny.

jewish philosopher said...

I don't think that there is any question that gay liberation in the United States led directly to the AIDS epidemic which has so far killed about 25 million people. I hope that all the liberals and atheists who supported gay liberation feel good about the 11 million orphans they helped to create in Africa.

Great job guys; keep up the good work!

What's next - pedophile liberation? What's wrong with that? If a kid can consent to go bowling why can't he consent to anal intercourse?

kisarita said...

hey is this the same pic from hedot's blog?

all gays should have the absolute inalienable right to create children who will never know their mother, and/or take advantage of a third world woman's desperate poverty to take her child away.
(and anyone who doesn't think so is narrow minded racist and homophobic!!!!)

I didn't really care about gay marriage before seeing this campain, but this campaign turned me solidly against. I now see gay marriage for what it is... an imitation, a denial, a pretense that being gay is the same thing as being straight. and they must have artificially created children, along with the total erasure of real kin ties to prove it....

kisarita said...

PS I'm not actually against gay sex in itself, just this fakery, calling it "marriage", inventing nonsense about having two "dads" etc.

for your information gay sex is NOT the culprit of AIDS in Africa, AIDS in Africa is primarily spread through heterosexual sex.

Holy Hyrax said...

You would think in Africa, after a few decades of having sex with virgins and it NOT making AIDS go away, they would realize its not working.

Fitz said...

"Marriage is neither a conservative nor a liberal issue; it is a universal human institution, guaranteeing children fathers, and pointing men and women toward a special kind of socially as well as personally fruitful sexual relationship. Gay marriage is the final step down a long road America has already traveled toward deinstitutionalizing, denuding and privatizing marriage. It would set in legal stone some of the most destructive ideas of the sexual revolution: There are no differences between men and women that matter, marriage has nothing to do with procreation, children do not really need mothers and fathers, the diverse family forms adults choose are all equally good for children. What happens in my heart is that I know the difference. Don't confuse my people, who have been the victims of deliberate family destruction, by giving them another definition of marriage."

Walter Fauntroy-Former DC Delegate to Congress Founding member of the Congressional Black Caucus Coordinator for Martin Luther King, Jr.'s march on DC