Friday, November 07, 2008


I've only read chapter 1 of 7 so far, but this story about the campaign looks pretty interesting.


asher said...

haven't read it yet...but they must have overlooked the 800 lbs gorilla in the room.....Obama is black and made a point of it. Who else could get away with "they say I dont look like the other presidents on the money" ? or "they tell you I'm the other". If that won't make you feel like a racist if you don't vote for him I wonder what will.

Ezzie said...

Did you see this line?!?!

"Another politician with a superb sense of timing, Bill Clinton, perfectly understood why Obama saw a golden, possibly once-in-a-lifetime, opportunity. The former president believed that the mainstream press, whose liberal guilt Clinton understood and had exploited from time to time, would act as Obama's personal chauffeur on the long journey ahead."

I can't believe that that was just thrown in there. Think about that for two minutes and tell me all the problems with that...!!!

Kylopod said...

but they must have overlooked the 800 lbs gorilla in the room

Not the greatest choice of words for this particular example.

Obama is black and made a point of it. Who else could get away with "they say I dont look like the other presidents on the money" ?

Utter hogwash. Obama hardly ever made mention of his race in the entire campaign. In the words of Mike Huckabee, "I say with sincerity that I have great respect for Senator Obama's historic achievement to become his party's nominee -- not because of his color, but with indifference to it." In contrast, Lieberman made far more references to his Jewishness in 2000. Obama has been admirably restrained about even alluding to his race.

Apparently, in your world, if Obama makes one or two throwaway quips alluding to his race, then he's "making a point" about his race. McCain made far more quips about his age, but no one accused him of basing his entire campaign on it, or of trying to make voters feel ageist if they wouldn't vote for him.

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